Our Green-to-Clean Pool Service can quickly turn your cloudy and green pool into a sparkling oasis in just a few days, in most cases. You don't have to worry about the hassle of cleaning it yourself or the frustration of not being able to enjoy your pool.
Here's our process on how we do it:
- Debris Removal: We will use nets and a specially designed vacuum to clean out as much debris and dirt as possible, ensuring no protected algae is left in the pool.
- Brush the Pool:
We'll dislodge algae clinging to the walls and flat surfaces of the pool, allowing chlorine sanitizer treatment to reach and kill the algae.
- Initial Chemical Adjustment: We'll adjust the pool's chemical levels to eradicate the algae effectively the first time. In some cases, we may need to replace some existing pool water with fresh water.
- Algae Eradication: We'll use a high-strength chlorine sanitizer to kill the algae, along with a
phosphate remover to eliminate the algae's food source and then an enzyme treatment to address the non-living organics.
- Thorough Cleaning: We'll vacuum any remaining debris and lingering grime from the pool steps and floor, and net the surface as needed. Sometimes, we may need to replace some existing pool water with fresh water.
- Filter Cleaning: Our team will clean or replace your filter if it exceeds its effective lifespan, ensuring it functions properly. Some sand filters will also be purged during this step if needed
- Chemical Balancing:
We will test and adjust your pool's chemical levels to prevent another algae outbreak and ensure safe and clean water.
Chemicals used to remove algae from a pool can make it unsafe for swimming or any other use. Wait until your pool technician confirms it's safe, even if the water looks clear.